Weather and Climate :
It is essential at first to know the weather of a country to understand its climate. Weather means the daily condition of temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and air flow, sunshine, atmospheric pressure, fog etc, of an area. Weather may be of any time within a day. Weather of localities changes frequently. The climate of an area may be defined as the average of 20 to 25 years weather of that area. The characteristics of climate depends mainly on the altitude, latitude, height from the mean sea level, distance from the sea, air flow, rainfall, oceanic stream, mountains and vegetation of certain area. Climate greatly influences the agricultural production of a country. The climate of an area may be understood by observing the plants and agricultural production of the place.

The climate of Bangladesh is nearly temperate in consideration of countries geographical position, height from the sea level, distance from the ocean, temperature and rainfall. Sufficient rainfall, medium winter and humid rainy season are the main characteristics of the climate of Bangladesh. This type of climate is very favorable for agricultural production. On the basis of climate of Bangladesh the crop growing period is divided into two seasons, such as:

A. Rabi (Winter season )    B. Kharif (Summer- rainy season)

A. Rabi Season The crop growing period from Aswin (Middle of September) to Falgun (Middle of March) Months is known as Rabi season. The main characteristics of this cropping season are low temperature, low relative humidity and low rainfall. The main vegetables of this winter season are Cauliflower, Cabbage, Radish, Carrot, Gourds, Country bean, Tomato, Boro Rice, Wheat, Potato and Mustard. Crop production in this season needs irrigation. 

B. Kharif Season: The Kharif season may be divided into two seasons according to climatic parameters. These are1. Kharif-1, 2. Kharif-2 

Kharif-1 Season :
The season starting from Chaitra month to Ashar month (from the middle of March to middle of July) is known as Kharif-I season. This season is also known as summer season. The atmospheric temperature becomes high during this season. Frequent storms are the characteristics of this season. Aus rice, Jute, lady's finger (okra), Indian spinach, Sweet gourd, Bitter gourd, Palwal gourd, Spined gourd, Barbate etc. are mainly cultivated during this season. 

Arrangement should be done for irrigation for cultivating crops during this season if the rainfall is low. The major and important fruits of this season include mango, black berry, jack fruit and papaya. 

Kharif -2 Season:
The season starting from Ashar month to Bhadra month (from the middle of June to middle of September) is known as Kharif-2 season. This season is also known as rainy season. 
Torrential rain is the characteristics of this season. The atmospheric temperature remains medium during this season. Transplanted Aman rice and rainy season vegetables are mainly cultivated during this season. 

The major and important fruits of this season include pummelo (lime group), palm tree fruit, late season mango, jack fruit, amlaki, olive etc are mainly available during the Kharif-2 season. Some vegetables are available in our country through  out the year. For example – Lady’s finger, Brinjal, and Red amarnth. 

The Agricultural Weather and Climate:
The daily conditions of rainfall, atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure as important for crop production may be termed as agricultural weather. The agricultural production in Bangladesh is pre-dominantly dependent on agricultural weather. 

Agricultural production plans are formulated after making thorough consideration of the existing weather and climate of an area or locality.


The whole Bangladesh has been divided in to three main divisions according to the existing agricultural weather and climate. The name of these climatic regions are given below: 

1. North Western Region 2. North Eastern Region 3. Southern Region The brief descriptions of these three regions are given here:

North Western Region :
The north and north western districts of Bangladesh are included in this region. The whole Rajshahi Division, the northern parts of Dhaka and Khulna Divisions are within this region. Both the cold and heat is high in this region. The rainfall and relative humidity is comparatively lower in this region. 
Rice, wheat, potato, sugar cane, different types of vegetables, mango, jack fruit, jujube or plum, litchi, tobacco, chili or pepper, pulses etc are the most important crops for cultivation in this region. 

North Eastern Region :
This north eastern region comprises the Sylhet district, eastern parts of Dhaka and north western parts of Chittagong division. The temperature becomes very low in this region during the winter season. 

This region gets scanty of rainfall. The major crops of this region are rice, jute, tea, pine apple, oilseeds and different types of vegetables. 

Southern Region :

The southern and south eastern districts and their parts are included in this southern region. The whole Barisal division, the southern areas of Khulna and Chittagong division, an some southern part of Dhaka division are included in southern region of Bangladesh. The difference of temperature between winter and summer seasons is comparatively lower in this region. As the areas is nearer to the ocean, the relative humidity of atmospheric air is comparatively higher in this region. The rainfall is also higher. The main crops and fruits of this region are Rice, Pulses, Coconut, Betel leaf, Betel nut, Banana and Onion, Chili and Potato.