Many people tell you difficult type of rule and regulation for control or diets and weight loss procedure but we suggest an only needful or useful way.

Tell about  some needful step for weight loss process based on medical science are given below:

1.Drink water before the meal:

Many people drink water when he/she take a meal or after a meal but it's not right. we should drink water before half an hour then take a meal. if you take half litter water before a meal you can damage body fat and more than 44% weight loss with diets your whole body.

2. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables:

we should maintain the proper source of protein, a fat source, and low-carb vegetables

A.Protein source:

       2.FIsh and seafood

B.Fat sources:

       1.Coconut oil
       2.Olive oil

C.Low-carb vegetables:

      4.Cauliflower Etc

3.Drink black coffee or Red tea without high sugar :

It helps you to burn your fat system. Always try to a small amount of caffeine for better performance
also try to a small amount of sugar.

4.Good sleep:

Proper sleep is mostly sufficient for the whole body system.

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